SET for Leadership: Enhancing Decision-Making in Today’s Complex Workplace
A key challenge for leaders in today’s increasingly interconnected and global workplace is developing a deeper awareness of how personal habits and thought patterns influence daily decision-making. Leaders make more effective decisions (e.g., policies, promotions, selection, team development) when they cultivate this awareness. In this client-customized workshop, participants engage in realistic experiential activities to strengthen their decision-making processes and interpersonal interactions. Please contact us to learn more.
Mindfulness that Works: Building Resilient Teams
Mindfulness is a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment. Whether you are a team leader or an individual contributor, today’s demanding high energy lifestyle causes our physical and mental states to often be not co-located; meaning our bodies may be present, but our mind is miles away. This inability to focus on the task at hand and building relationships can have a long term negative impact on both organizational goals and personal life satisfaction. The challenge for leaders is how to do more with less while maintaining a healthy balance for their teams. For individual contributors, there is the constant struggle to be fully present in both work and in their non-work life. The conflict, if managed correctly, can result in greater productivity, innovation, and inclusion as well as overall morale. This workshop can be customized for leaders or individual contributors. The workshop is paired with our best selling book, The Golden Apple. Please contact us to inquire further.
Inclusive Interviewing and Selection Workshop
The cost of acquiring quality talent is huge. Organizations cannot afford to allow for bias to affect the selection process. This workshop takes inclusive talent acquisition development to a very focused level: interviewing and selection. Leaders make better hiring decisions when they have a heightened level of personal awareness. In this client customized workshop, participants apply these learnings in realistic experiential activities to improve their candidate selection. Please contact us to inquire further.
Managing Behaviors that Make a Difference
Managers are tasked with creating a meritocratic culture where individuals are rewarded based on their performance; however, their unintended behaviors may be influencing that performance. The challenge in the diverse and global workplace is developing a personal awareness of how your behaviors impact an inclusive culture. Leaders will walk away with a heightened awareness of their management behaviors/practices, a method to develop accountability and a practical action plan. Please contact us to inquire further.
Re-engaging Work Life: Moving from Languishing to Living
Many employees find themselves stuck in a rut, doing the bare minimum and feeling unmotivated. This interactive workshop helps participants identify the root causes of disengagement and discover strategies to reignite their motivation. Through large and small group discussions, attendees will explore ways to find purpose in their work. The session concludes with a personalized action plan, equipping employees with practical steps to move from merely getting by to fully thriving in their careers. Please contact us to inquire further.
Client Engagement Series – Inclusive Sales Relationship Building
The Inclusive Sales Relationship Building workshop is the keystone of our Client Engagement Series. It is an inclusion development workshop designed to help your sales force apply inclusive behavior for relationship management, new client acquisition and accessing different decision makers within one account. Your Sales force will learn key factors and challenges in developing relationships and then apply to their own unique situation. Please contact us to inquire further.