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The following transcript is from a June 27, 2011 Twitter interview by Forbes India Magazine as a follow up to their July 1, 2011 cover story on LGBT Workplace Inclusion in India. Since Twitter only allows for 140 characters in one answer, you will see 1/2 and 2/2 to connect a comment longer than 140 characters. You can also find this transcript by clicking here.

Mason Donovan : RT @forbes_india: Getting ready for #LGBTchat
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india that’s great
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india is starting the #LGBTchat right now! Join.
Mason Donovan : RT @forbes_india: If you have a question for #LGBTchat, tweet it to @Forbes_India or @ForbesIndia – our team is standing by to pick the …
Nitin Karani : RT @firstpostin: We are following @forbes_india #LGBTchat. Also read it on firstpost at
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @parmeshs wrote a first-person piece about his experiences in corporate India. Parmesh, describe yourself in 140 characters.
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Multiple hat wearer. Author. Corporate type. Think tanker. Fashionista.
Forbes India : Also with us on #LGBTchat, @dsheikh726, who appeared in the story. Say hello, Danish, and tell us about yourself, in 140 characters.
Forbes India : And all the way from the US East Coast, @thedagobagroup – it’s 7 AM for you! Thanks for being here.

Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Thank you for having us. We look forward to this important discussion.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Human Rights Lawyer. Pop Culture Enthusiast. Serial Reader. Fits-and-starts Writer.
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india We are a global integrated consulting group with a specialty in LGBT development, Diversity and Inclusion, Sales Management.
Forbes India : Thanks @TheDagobaGroup, not least for being here so early in the morning
Forbes India : And rounding it off for #LGBTchat, @queerindia – Nitin, your turn. Yourself in 140 characters.
Forbes India : We’ll carry on without @queerindia then
Forbes India : Quick credit first
Forbes India : BAck to #LGBTchat. Questions coming up.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat For all of you: How difficult is it to come out at the workplace?

Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Past few years have been easy since I’ve been very “out” right from the start at my current as well as previous job
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBT chat (1/2) completely depends on the workplace – the kind of diversity policies that are in place are very important
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Depends on work climate, perceived risk, individual’s process,management culture.For straight people, it is a daily occurrence
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat And I came out in both places (Mahindra, Godrej) at the begining, while being hired, by asking about HR policies.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBT chat (2/2) Google features a great environment in that regard: the Gayglers group; an intra company policy of open-ness
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india apologies. Am here now #lgbtchat
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india apologies am here now #lgbtchat
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india gay activist. @bombaydost and @humsafartrust board member. Financial editor
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat So stifling before I came out. Being in the closet is like being constipated. Coming out is such a relief!
Forbes India : #LGBTchat – sorry, had a browser crash. back now, and @queerindia is with us too. Glad you could be here, nitin
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat actually it was my final internship before starting my first job at Alternative Law Forum in Bangalore.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat At 3 months, it was a longer than usual internship, and as a Google intern you get to interact with everyone
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Gayglers is the intra company group for LGBT supportive employees. It’s an incredibly supportive space.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat For all of you, follow-up question: Do colleagues still have the same equation with you after you’ve come out?
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat having been out since the beginning, I didn’t experience a change in equation as such. It never was an issue anyway.
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india yes, but I guess I have been very lucky. Not everyone has it easy though they should 1/2
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Consciously often yes. More challenging due to unconscious bias. To reset requires coworkers to do their own learning.
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india managers and companies need to create an environment where being LGBT is not an issue. that should be apparent 2/2
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Most colleagues tend to respect you for being yourself. For those that don’t, a non-discrimination policy helps!
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @thedagobagroup How do you recommend that LGBT people deal with hostility in the workplace?
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat But a supportive boss is more impactful than any HR policy. Colleagues tend to treat you how your boss treats you.
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india First try to manage directly. Give feedback about impact on ability to work effectively. 1/2
Forbes India : RT @desi_boys: @forbes_india Yes! Maybe not initially but sooner or later they do realize that you are still the same person. #LGBTchat …
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Go to manager. If not, many co’s have other ways to go direct to HR or ombudsperson. 2/2
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india If your company has a LGBT Affinity employee group, it would be helpful to connect with the group to discuss your experience.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @dsheikh726After our story appeared, what kind of questions or responses have you received?& how did you respond?
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india This is typically where many companies may see attrition of good employees when they do not have an inclusive culture.
Forbes India : (reminder to readers: you can follow #LGBTchat w/out distractions at )
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india With the awareness of this issue as a business imperative, we believe the exception soon will be companies without inclusion.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @dsheikh726 After our story appeared, what kind of questions or responses have you received?& how did you respond?
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat (1/2) Incredibly positive. I’ve got strangers reaching out to me regarding how proud they feel.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat My friends have been their usual supportive self, as has my liberal workplace – the Alternative Law Forum, Bangalore
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat The Forbes story answered a lot of questions rather than raising new ones, which is great
Forbes India : #LGBTchat 3 related questions coming up for @queerindia – you still with us, Nitin?
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india yes, so far 😉
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [1/4] Do you find any difference in the way men & women respond to a person’s sexuality?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [2/4]i.e. Within attitudes towards homosexuals, does gender play a role?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [3/4] Who tends to be more conservative or judgemental? Do men tend to me more or less biased than women?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [4/4] Do male homosexuals face more or less discrimination than female homosexuals?

Nitin Karani : @forbes_india yes, most women are unaffected as they don’t have any sexual image to live up to 1/2
Forbes India : Now Live – A TwitterChat on LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) inclusion in India Inc
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india …some straight men feel the need to make a greater show of their manliness in case there are doubts 2/2
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Yes and No. Bias against lgbt is deeply ingrained for both. 1/2
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Men may have stronger reaction due to male socialization against anything perceived as non-masculine. 2/2
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india both genders do harbour bad, and good, stereotypes in their minds about LGBT people
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Can be more difficult for women because they are in minority at work. Being lesbian could create another layer of challenge.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat All of you: what is the worst LGBT stereotype, by your reckoning? And the best?
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india lesbians potentially face double the discrimination, for their gender and their orientation 1/2
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Depends more upon upbringing, religion/beliefs, general philosophy, or even comfort with oneself, than gender.
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Actually, I think lesbians are discriminated against the most – in Indian society as well as the workplace.
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india for most straight men, women R not supposed to be sexual beings to start with so asserting you are lesbian is unthinkable 2/2
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india @dsheikh726 @TheDagobaGroup @queerindia Yes, sure.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Worst – All gay men are predatory! Oh, and we were all sexually abused at a young age!
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india @dsheikh726 @TheDagobaGroup @parmeshs I am here for a few more minutes hopefully
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Stereotypes (unconscious bias) of any kind are not good since they do not take the individual value into consideration.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Best stereotype – that we dress well. And it’s true you know.
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Lesbians and transgenders, actually. Weren’t those the hardest to find for the cover story as well?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @queerindia How do ostensibly LGBT-friendly companies deal with socialising issues? [1/3] Forbes India : #LGBTchat @queerindia For example, can a gay employee bring along his partner on a family day? [2/3] Forbes India : #LGBTchat @queerindia Another example: On off-sites, who rooms with an openly LGBT employee? [3/3]
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india in the different ways that your story mentions. Diversity policies, employee affinity groups, diversity training 1/2
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india panel discussions with external speakers, participation in Pride marches, sponsoring local LGBT charities 2/2
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india I don’t know if this has happened anywhere but it should. I would love to bring my partner. 1/2
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india about two years ago I and my partner went for an unofficial office trip to Goa
Nitin Karani : @queerindia @forbes_india I meant the trip was with some of my colleagues and bosses 🙂
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india in my last org I was out and I did shareba room with my straight male colleague
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india @queerindia These are issues a company should discuss openly. Often it helps to have an outside consultant to facilitate. 1/2
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india @queerindia There is no set answer fit for all companies as it will be unique to the company’s culture. 2/2
Forbes India : (I think @queerindia will have to leave soon, so I’ll say thank you to him right away)
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @parmeshs What milestone in India Inc will make you feel LGBTs have come of age? Or will make you feel India Inc has come of age?

Nitin Karani : @forbes_india my pleasure. Sorry can’t stay longer
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Widespread same sex spousal benifits policies in Indian as well as multinational companies, plus….
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat …lunch chats where topics like gay adoptions etc are as usual as the same old what-my-daughter-did-yesterday
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @dsheikh726 For the lawyer! What support is there, legally, for Indian LGBTs?Have things improved since the Supreme Court verdict?
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Related to that is equal maternity/paternity leave for all employees, male, female, gay or straight.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat You mean the High Court verdict? We’re waiting for the next hearing before the Supreme Court in July
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Outside of the law, there’ve been strides forward – more than 6 cities have organized pride marches in the past year
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india @parmeshs More visible Indian LGBT in senior leader positions in big companies.Also when LGBT inclusive policies are the norm.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat On the other hand, the Karnataka govt has passed a draconian legislation disrespecting transgender rights this year
Nitin Karani : @parmeshs @forbes_india if I may add before I finally go. A top exec comes out. Top guns sponsor their employee affinity groups 1/3
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat The SC outcome is important – but so is the tide of public opinion. We need conversations, we need visibility.
Nitin Karani : @parmeshs @forbes_india Transgender employees are offered support pre and post transition 2/3
Nitin Karani : @parmeshs @forbes_india corporates compete hard with each other to attract and retain LGBT talent 3/3
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @parmeshs, you wrote about this in your piece.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat What prominent closet LGBT would you hope comes out to make a statement for the community & help break the fear around coming out?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @parmeshs If you’d prefer to skip that 🙂 could you name some Out Indian LGBTs who are role models today?

Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Yes. I wrote in my piece that senior closeted LBGTs coming out would be inspiring to others…
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india CEOs, Executives, Sport Stars, Politicians, Actors, Leaders of any kind…this will help everyday people come out.
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Outing people isn’t such a good idea, especially elders. You know what respect we have for them in Indian culture:-)
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Each out person is a role model, as is each person who resists family that wants to forcibly marry off him/her.
Nitin Karani : @forbes_india @dsheikh726 @parmeshs you will find 20 in the next issue of @bombaydost 🙂
Forbes India : #LGBTchat 3 related questions coming up for all of you, starting with @TheDagobaGroup
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [1/3] Are gay jokes acceptable, just like jokes on doctors or politicians?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [2/3] Or do they make it more difficult for gay people to come out openly and lead a normal life?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [3/3] Is it ok to make gay jokes in a group when you know someone gay is part of the group?

Nitin Karani : @forbes_india @dsheikh726 @parmeshs but Ashok Row Kavi and Vikram Seth are my favs
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Still we NEED Indian role models desperately. Indian LGBTS want to look up to ppl they can relate to…
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Often jokes are meant to disparage. When non-LGBT confront bad jokes then it is much easier to come out.
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat As I asked in the piece, any desi takers? till then, we have to make do with foreign inspiration: Tim Cook, etc.
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Many straight people have LGBT relatives or friends. You may be offending someone’s son, daughter, sister, brother.
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Of course! Just as its ok to make jokes about straight people and use terms like “breeders” about them!
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat I’ll agree with Parmesh re:the role model. For me, Dan Savage and what he’s done with the It Gets Better Project.
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india There are consequences for both. Intentionally offending colleagues may mean your company does not produce the next Watson 1/2
Forbes India : But seriously… #LGBTchat 3-part question coming up for all of you
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [1/3] Companies often say they don’t want to know their employees’ caste, ethnicity or religion.

Mason Donovan : @forbes_india or ipad or innovation that will keep your company a leader. Attrition is a big result of a non-inclusive culture. 2/2
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [2/3[ Their objective is equal employment and that can be achieved without knowing an employee’s affiliation.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat [3/3] Why should it be different for homosexuality? Why is it the company’s business to know?

Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat re: gay jokes. Dostana is a great example of the positive effect of gay jokes as long as we avoid mean spiritedness.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat It’s not about the company’s business to know. It’s about the employees right to NOT have to hide it.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat If we had a situation where an employee was terrified about talking about their religion – hugely objectionable too.
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india It is a double standard issue. Straight people come out all the time as heterosexual in work. 1/2
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Strong relationships build good teams.It is difficult to build rapport when you have to hide 128 hours a week of your life.2/2
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat ha – well, how about not being able to show off a snap of your new girlfriend? That would hurt 🙂
Forbes India : #LGBTchat some quicl questions before we have to close
Forbes India : #LGBTchat Can Indian companies adopt more friendly LGBT policies that fit in with the societal framework they exist in? Yes/No?

Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Yes. It is a matter of expanding their existing inclusion policies.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat well that’s a utopian standpoint – inevitably the twain do meet. And it shouldn’t be a point of discomfort.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat – anyone there?
Forbes India : (sorry, twitter lag. #LGBTchat)
Forbes India : #LGBTchat @parmeshs @dsheikh726 Do you see a role for Indian films in removing misconceptions?

Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat I certainly see a role for them in creating space for conversations to be had about sexuality.
Forbes India : No takers for the movie query? #LGBTchat
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india This is one of the issues we will discuss at our forum in Bangalore and Mumbai
Forbes India : Moving on. #LGBTchat React: There’s so much else that needs to be done to make India a better place. Why should LGBT issues take priority?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat – dang. Twitter lag again.. sorry.

Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat As long as the depiction isn’t blatantly homophobic, I think we can excuse some level of stereotyping
Forbes India : (3 more quick questions and we’ll wrap up #LGBTchat for the day)
Forbes India : #LGBTchat React: There’s so much else that needs to be done to make India/the world a better place. Why should LGBT issues take priority?

Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Bollywood certainly has an imp role to play. So many gay friendly directors, ya! Lkg forward to Dostana 2.
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india It is part of a broader movement to create equity in the workplace in India & beyond.India is a major global corporate player.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat (1/2) We of course can’t pick and choose issues one at a time – and that’s not what’s being asked.
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat These are imp issues since they’re about human rights + the chance to reimagine India as an inclusive space.
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Films help to shape our culture for better or worse, so yes they can play a positive role in this issue.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat Rather, we have to remember that everything is interconnected – and not give in to making a hierarchy of oppressions
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat LBGT issues in India as important as democracy, anti-corruption. What kind of future do we want? Just? Inclusive?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat – 3 light questions to wrap up, okay?
Forbes India : #LGBTchat What are the PC ways for non-LGBTs to refer to LGBTs? Queer was not okay, now it is. How does one keep track?

Mason Donovan : @forbes_india It is okay to ask. Everyone has their individual preference. Asking is the first part of the conversation.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat we’re usually fine if you stick to LGBT – When in doubt, the best policy is to ask 🙂
Forbes India : #LGBTchat For any or all of you: From a reader who asks for anonymity. ..
Forbes India : #LGBTchat I am asexual. Why must the LGBT community sexualise *everything*? Sex is such a small part of our lives.

Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat The community doesn’t necessarily sexualize everything – we create a space for difference to be accepted.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat The term Queer has evolved to embrace everyone who doesn’t strictly confine to the heterosexual-gender-binary.
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat “LBGT community” doesn’t sexualize everything – mainstream media does!
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india Common misperception. LGBT in the workplace is not about sex. It is about trust, working relationships and not hiding. 1/2
Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india #LGBTchat And for some of us darling, sex is a big part of our lives, gay, straight or otherwise. (#justsaying)
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india It is about being accepted as a colleague equally and ability to be productive without fear.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat – absolutely last question for today! Coming up..
Forbes India : #LGBTchat For any or all of you: From a reader who asks for anonymity and to be identified just as a language lover.
Forbes India : #LGBTchat May we have back the words ‘gay’ and ‘queer’ please?

Parmesh Shahani : @forbes_india Hanh. There’s space for everyone yaar in this world. Asexual. Bsexual. Everyone’s cool, everyone’s normal. That’s the point.
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india It was never taken away. As we evolve as a society we try to define our new experiences with different words.
Danish Sheikh : @forbes_india #LGBTchat We’ll discuss that as soon as you give us back the words equality and dignity please?
Forbes India : Readers, followers, contact @TheDagobaGroup @dsheikh726 @parmeshs & @queerindia if you have any more queries!
Mason Donovan : @forbes_india It was a pleasure. Thank you for highlighting this important issue and continuing the discussion.
Forbes India : Thank you, readers and followers. #LGBTchat was fun. We now go back to normal tweeting.